Page name: Hell's gate [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-11-11 17:58:07
Last author: chyu
Owner: Evolution X
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Hell's Gate

In a landscape charred with flames and black as coal, there is a commotion and sounds of several gunshots. Suddenly, a hole appears in mid-air: it heralds the start of a great adventure…

A head pops through the hole, "We made it this time!" it calls back. "Definitely looks like hell!". Hydro jumped out of the hole and onto the charred wasteland with it's barren cliffs, towering walls of flame, blood stains and for some reason... elavator music? Thats terrible: ELAVATOR MUSIC, I mean, that is low even for the devil he thought. All he did say was "Bit of a dissapointment really."

Chani stumbles out of the hole. While looking around, she dusts herself off. "Yes disappointing."

"The music is a nice touch though," pointed out Hydro "really can drive you into hysterics."

The young woman only nodded. She blew her bangs out of her eyes and was still looking around. "I guess this is a good of a place to start."

"We have to wait for the others. What are they waiting for?" as Hydro said that he leaned against the portal which shrank slightly. "Well I guess we could take it with us if it shrinks. In case anymore CHICKENS want to come. You did leave that note about us rescuing God?"

Chani popped her neck. She looked at Hydro and gave a confused look: "No I thought you sent it to me... I found it on my bed."

"Maybe someone wanted us to come here, and maybe I'm paranoid?! What weapons you bringing?" Hydro pulled out his two sawn-off shotguns from no-where: "These are mine. I have loads of bullets for them on the other side of the portal. I'm good and fighting with my hands too."

Chani drew her long trenchcoat aside, revealing two .45 strapped to her naked thighs, two 9mm strapped to her thin waist, two more .45 strapped in a gun holster. "And I have a auto shotgun on my back. That's just the guns. I have 7 daggers placed on my body. Ammo is on the other side too." The young woman drew her coat back over her body. "Fighting hand to hand? Yes I do that too."

Hydro stared at the guns for a few seconds "Who needs my weopans you alone could blast through Hell single handidly. What style of fist fighting do you do? I basicly do anything that comes to mind. Excuse me." he stuck his head through the portal "hurry up!"

Chani smirked. "I do pretty much the same. Whatever comes to mind. And it seems to work, so far."

"Do you wan't to start without them?" Hydro asked grabbing the edges of the portal to show he could shrink it to carry in his pocket. "I mean we have a very long journey ahead. We need to find God and I bet he's in the deepest darkest pit. It's typical with evil people."

Chani shrugged her thin shoulders, "If you want... God will be in the darkest mood ever."

"Don't be scared it's only Hell. Come on," Hydro puts his arm through the hole offering it to someone "We need atleast one more person."

Phoenix grabs hydro's arm and pulls herself out "That was weird, well at least my sword didnt get stuck on the way out"

Chani nodded to the newcomer.

phoenix nodds back as she curiously looks around at her surroundings

"Nice to have you join us." Hydro said to Chani "Anyone else?" he said sticking his head in the hole.

"And its nice to be in hell, lol"Phoenix said. "I can't wait to fight the demons in this place, it might be interesting."

"I wonder if they have tentacles?" Hydro asked "Well no-one's coming through yet lets go!" he shrank the portal put it in his pocket and ran to the ledge of the cliff. "Cool," he said before he jumped. "Whhhhheeeeeee," he said before he realised he wasn't falling "What gives?"

Chani's eyebrow raised. She came to the edge, looked down then looked at the suspended Hydro. "Well it could be an illusion or this is the real thing."

"Don't know, come over here and check it out." Hydro called up to Chani "It seems safe enough." he said before stepping forward and his foot meet.... nothing. He swayed to keep balance and fell back onto his behind on the invisible path. "It's tricky though." he called up "some bits aren't there."

Chani went over, stuck her foot out and took faith. Her foot met something solid. Moving forward she placed the other foot next to the one already there. "Yes."

Phoenix crefully set one foot onto the path, her eyes wide in concentraition, trying to find a solid place to step.

"There must be some way of telling what's solid," Hydro said "Have a look at the path see if you can make it out." he crouched down and looked at the path.

Chani concentrated. Her gut was telling her something wasn't right, but she couldn't place it. She took a step forward..her foot met nothing. She extended her footing...nothing.

Phoenix pulled out her large sword "Mabe I can poke around with my sword" she poked around with her sword up and down the path finding a hard spot in the ground " cool it worked, hey its safer than missing a step"

Hydro swept his foot around in front of him until it met with a rock, so stained with blood you couldn't see it at first. He kicked it and it bounced a few paces across the invisable walk way. "See if you can find any rocks. They'll help lead us across!" he called out.

Chani stepped forward... solid underneath. She did find a rock. She gave it a kick. It landed about 15 yards in front of her but it fell through the pathway. "Well 15 yards ahead... nothing there."

Hydro slowly made his way along the invisable trail before he kicked his rock of the edge. He looked up from his falling rock to see a platform a little way away with little fires and indistinct people on it. "If you wan't to fight demons we're definatley on the right track!" he shouted back.

"Alright, the fun will start shortly then. If only..." Phoenix trips and almost falls on her face and off the edge "Yup, found a rock" irritated by tripping Phoenix puts her sword away and starts kicking violently the rock until it falls off the edge "Dammit, well at least im up the path alot more than I was."

Chani looked ahead and saw what Hydro saw. Good about time . She kept up with the rocks, moving her quickly. She squinted her eyes trying to count how many were on the platform. She lost count at 20.

As Hydro came closer the demons turned around slowly realising that there were strangers in thier midst. "Here comes fun!" Hydro yelled as the demons charged forward. The first one that came infront of him was a grotesgue thing, that had a forked tounge and snaking, tendrils, was so fast he had no time to draw his weopan. He hit as hard as he could in what should be the mouth. It stumbled back and fell of the invisable walkway. Hydro dodged round the hole and un-hooked his double shotguns.

Chani grit her teeth as a demon at least 7 feet tall came charging towards her. She drew her .45's and began to shot. The first two bullets missed, but the third hit square in the forehead.

A demon quickly charged after Phoenix, on impulse she quickly tried to slash at the demon with her huge sword and hit him dead on almost loseing her balance, now with a sinister look on her face she waits for the next one dtermined to bring them down.

Yoko Comes in through the hole and looks around, "Sorry guys I got lost!.. I missed somthing didnt I?" She says after seeing that most everyone is fighting.

Chani turned around just in time to see a demon come up behind Yoko. "Behind you!" She pulled off four rounds and hit the demon in the eyes.

Ged(Sparrow Hawk) snaps out of nowhere and catches the demon in the jaw with a back heel kick. He then steps beside of Chani with both hands lifted as he steps back into a martial arts stance. "You ok?"

Yoko turns around and blinks as she looks at the demon dead on the ground, Then jumps onto a demon heading for Ged(Sparrow Hawk) and stabs her dimond tipped sword into the head of it.

Ged(Sparrow Hawk) nods a small thanks to Yoko and spins behind another demon, snapping its neck violently. He then looks around and is grabbed from behind by three demons.

Phoenix notices the three demons attacking Ged and quickly runs over and tries to slash at the demons. She took out two with her sword, kicked the other off and stabbed it. "Hi" but soon after a huge demon came up behind her grabbed her by the neck and slammed her against the ground blood dripping from her mouth causing her to lose conciousness for the moment. Thinking she was dead the demon left her and started walking towards Ged and the others.

"Phoenix!" Chani screamed. She charged forwards, meeting the demon halfway. She drew her shotgun off her back and start to pump off eight rounds. All eight hit right into the demon's stomach. The demon hit the ground with a huge thud, but it wasn't dead. The young woman bent, picked up Phoenix's sword, looked down at the demon. Hate was in her eyes, which had started to turn a blood red. "Now you die." Chani severed its head from its body. She watched it as it rolled off the edge. Chani went over to Phoenix and tried to revive her. "C'mon, wake up!"

Yoko Looks over to Phoenix then while off guard gets hit to the ground by a Demon, loosing her breath yet quickly getting up and slashing the demon to pieces. Yoko Soon gets out numbered by about 17 to 1 and trys to fight them off. Unfourtunatly her weapons do not affect the demons very much, She is soon thrown against a wall, breaking a few bones and bleeding badley from her now re-opened wounds, She lives but just barely, The demons leave her for other prey, noticing she will slowly die, As she is gathering all her strength to revive herself. .. "Damn..." She says with her last breath before going unconcious, slowly dieing from wounds..

Hydro batteled demons not noticing any surroundings until he saw Yoku knocked off her feet and slammed into the wall. "Arrrrrghh!" he yells in rage and charges of into throng of Demons, barreling into them and sending them flying. He ran up to the Demon that struck Yoku, jumped up and slammed his feet into it's face. It fell to the floor oozing blue slime, he kneeled beside it putting his gun to it's head. "Never touch my friends." he muttered in it's ear before pulling the trigger. After quickly wiping his face to get the worst amount of gunge out of his eyes, he dashed out to Yoku. He knelt down beside her and stripped off his T-shirt and tore it into strips and bandaged Yoku's wounds as well as he could. "HELP DEFEND YOKU IF YOU CAN!" Hydro yelled pumping out shell after shell into Demons bodies, hitting any creatures that came close enough. He caught a claw in the chest and his own blood began to mingle with the multi-coloured ooze now covering him.

Chani picked up Phoenix half-dragged her over to where Hydro and Yoko where. She reloaded quickly, drew out her backups and started firing. She hit 5 demons but they weren't kill shots. "Damnit!" Chani twitched, she picked up a fallen sword, looked to Hyrdo, her eyes blood red. "I'll take care of these, get them aas far back as you can." Turning her attention back to the demons she sprinted into their mist.

Hydro dressed Phoenix's wounds and slung them over his left shoulder "don't wait behind, just follow after me keeping off any who charge from the back." he called to Chani as the battle waged. Without waiting for an answer he charged through the demons, waving one shotgun around. He couldn't reach for ammo with Phoenix and Yoku over his shoulder and he only had two shot's left.

Yoko's eyes all of a sudden open, blood red with rage, her wounds slowly fade away, she disapears off Hydro's shoulder and is standing facing the demons in her fighting stance. She runs at them and sticks her claws into the chest of one .. "Stupid Demons, You have really pissed me off now" She says with a dark hateful voice, then pulling her hand out of the demons chest pulling out the heart.. "Anyone eles?.." She says then drawing her Shining Dimond tipped sword out as it then burst into black flames. The demons all get into fighting positions but were struck down the minute they did.. Yoko stands there in the middle all the dead demons, then gives an evil smile.

Phoenix's heart begins to pound harder in hatred, she slips between Hydro's arm and falls to the ground landing on her feet regaining conciousness screming at the top of her voice."you WILL DIE!!!" she looks around for the rest of the demons and with catlike stealth picks up her sword and beheads every single demon lying in her path bitheing her sword in their blood, with a hate filled demonic voice she screams "HERE I AM YOUR DEVIL, YOU WILL DIE A SLOW AND PAINFUL DEATH!!!" panting hard from the rush looking around she gains awareness of her surroundings again remembers her freinds are still there and notices she might have gone a little overboard with her temper.

Chani quickly dispatched the five demons that she was in the midst of. She heard Phoenix's booming voice. A smirk crossed her lips, before a sneaky 'little' monster came up and smashed her in the face. Down she went. On her knees, she licked the blood off her lip, tried to focus her eyes, but found that she could not. The 'little' demon gave a throaty laugh. "Stupid mortal. You'll never find Him." Chani closed her eyes, controlled her breathing. She heard the demon close in. A second before it struck she drew her shotgun off her back and pumped three rounds right into its stomach. The demon fell back. The young woman stood up, stood over the demon, and opened her eyes. The eyes of the demon went wide. "How...?" Chani snorted. "Stupid demon. We will find Him. Your 'God' won't know what hit him." With that she pumped a round straight into its head.

Yoko looked around, looking for more to kill, blinded by her anger. She walked over to a Demon and cut off its head with her claws. She then sniffed for more Demons but couldnt sence anymore. Her eyes turned back blue and her "regular" self came back, "Ehh... i need to control my anger, sorry" she says then bows down quickly then standing straight. "I dont see anymore demons over here, i think we should keep moving while we have a break" She says as she puts her bloody sword back on her back. "come on." she says then starting to walk in a direction, running into a door... "WHY EVEN IN HELL DO I RUN INTO A DOOR!!!" she says in anger and growls and breaks the door in half.

Chani couldn't help but to laugh. Her hazel eyes returned. She looked around, and found that Yoko was correct, there were no more demons in the area. She raised an eyebrow when Yoko broke the door in half. Chani reloaded quickly.

Ged looked around quickly then muttered an quick thank you to Phoenix as he dropped his hands to his sides, stepping up beside Chani and sighing lightly. He then looked toward Chani with a slight smile as his eyes showed something new, a kind of lost look.

As Poenix and Yoku started there killing spree Hydro just stood there looking at Yoku. He reloaded and replaced his shotguns he walked over to the door while noone was looking. As the door split he looked in, as the dust cleared he whispered to Yoku "What was that about?" When the dust cleared the room beyond was great chamber full of skeletons and boards with chains on covering holes.

Ged sighed softly to himself and slowly closed his eyes, wings sprouting from his back momentarily as he shifted to his more...angelic self, Sparrow Hawk.

"Ummmmmmmm..... I'm traveling with some odd people. But I don't care. That's actually making it cooler." Hydro muttered.

Sparrow Hawk looked around momentarily then nodded lightly to Hydro. "Yeah...I can kinda understand what you mean." This being the first thing he has openly said to anyone..he kind of blinked at his own suprise.

"Heh, sometimes I let my anger get the best of me,sometimes I cant get rid of my irritated mood for quite a while."Phoenix said quite pleased with herself still with a sinister look on her face & fire in her eyes "Ah that was fun id like to do that again soon." Walking towards the door as if nothing happened still intensely irritated "Ah cool skeles heh heh"

"Ehe...yeah, I hear that...Same here." Sparrow Hawk remarked. " I can kind of understand what you mean."

Chani looked beside her at Ged. She gave a smile, then raised an eyebrow when she saw his wings. "Interesting."

Sparrow Hawk looked back at Chani and tried to hide his blush as the wings slowly moved against his back."Um...thanks I suppose." He tried his best to hide the blushing as he was not one to normally recieve such comments.

Chani gave a small laugh when she caught sight of Ged's blush. "They're quite beautiful." She reached out a hand, about to touch them, "Oh do you mind?" She bit her bottom hoping he would say 'yes'.

Sparrow Hawk smiled softly and extended his wings."By all means, be my guest." he said with a soft smile. Try as he might, he just couldn't get over how beautiful Chani was.

"Thank you." Chani holstered her guns. She came closer to Ged and reached out and touched his wings. "Oh my.." She couldn't believe how wonderful they were, couldn't believe she was touching an angel's wings. Strange thoughts entered her head. Chani withdrew her hand, a deep blush had creep into her cheeks.

Yoko looked around, then black flames surrounded her as she turned into her Wolf Demon Form, Her soft black fur and Bloody red eyes, She stood 6ft tall with red flames at her paws, She looked around the new room looking at all the skeletons.

Chani turned when she felt Yoko change. Her hazel eyes went wide. "Oh my God...."

Yoko looked over to Chani, then went over to her and bent down, in her way, asking if she wanted a ride.

Sparrow Hawk smiled softly as Chani touched his wings, he then looked up at Yoko as well and took a step back.

Phoenix thought long and hard about this one she thought I can trust them by now, cant I? "Hmph, why not" she let out a peircing yet quiet high pitched whistle and called a dragon to her arm and transformed into what seemed a half dragon, purple-green dragon wings formed along with red eyes and flowing red-flame colored hair, her dragon freind growing in size to about as big as she was she turned around giving a peircing look "Well im ready" she said while feeling unsure about how the others would react.

Chani slowly climbed onto Yoko. A wave a nuaseua hit her, she doubled over. Turning her head slowly she saw Phoenix had changed also. Chani took a few deep breathes to control her nuaseua. "Yes let's move on." She turned her attention to the skeletons, "God."

Yoko was thinking, are they scared of me, i am no diffrent, i am a wolf demon, not a demon from hell, but yet they are scared of me.. mabe i should have stayed looking like a mortal.. Her face then looked sort of disapointed. She put Chani back down and disapeared from sight.. hideing in a corner, in her normal form, her black hair in her face and a sad disapointed look on her face underneith her hair.. Alone she felt again..

Phoenix noticed something wrong "Are you alright Yoko?"

Sparrow Hawk sighed softly and took a few steps towards Yoko."Please, I wasn't frightened of you. You just suprised me is all. Come now, don't hide, we need all the help we can get."

"I wasn't frightened Yoko. Just suprised." Chani gave the young woman a smile.

"Go away..." Yoko said in a soft whisper.. you were.. everyone is.. i know how people think..

Phoenix had a sort of disgusted feel about how the others could treat a wolf dmon that way... but noticed her own demonic emotions could be causing her to think that way she came to her senses and told herself it was nothing to worry about. "If you don't want to talk about it, just know your not alone" all of the sudden seeming extremely mysterious walking further into the caves her voice softly echoed against the walls "I know how you feel"

Yoko sighed.. "You are scared..It has always been the same.. when i was little i was called names and had stones thrown at me.. by both wolf demon and mortal.. no one has ever accepted me.. never.. i dont know why i thought i could be accepted here..i dont know...." She said with a whispery voice then looking down..

Phoenix had her own memories of the past clenching her fists in hatred for the mortals who caused her so much pain "That is only part of the many things that happened to me, of course I accept you and im not scared of you, when I was growing up I was a half demon of course and anyone who saw me either screamed, hurt me, or pointed and laughed, I had very few freinds because of it." Phoenix was feeling the full extent of her hatred for those mortals at that point "You think I just watched them do that to me and my family? No I kept my head up even though the anger still lives on in me, but eventually they took my parents away from me and I never forgave them... and why should I..." Phoenix thought she was boreing them so she sat down petting her dragon trying to calm her emotions.

Sparrow Hawk looked at Yoko curiously as a roar echoed throughout the area." much as I'd like to stand here and argue..I think we're about to have company."

Phoenix stood up and took out her sword, her dragon growling his tail anxiously swaying back and forth waiting for some action.

Yoko looked up.. She was about to get up and help but she was taken away by a servent of the devil, farther into the shadows.. into the heart of hell..

"Go now Nerual follow it!" (Nerual is the dragon's name) the dragon quickly turned and followed the servant of hell while Phoenix wanted to follow too but decides to wait for any demons who decide to follow as well before she goes.

Sparrow Hawk takes a step back, forming a ball of light in his hands, the ball then begins to spin extremely quickly as black and a blood red tint start to show."When I throw!"

Phoenix starts to run towards where her dragon flew and whistles several times again, the dragon answers back with a booming roar allowing Phoenix to follow.

Sparrow Hawk closes his eyes and slowly starts to chant as the ball grows huge. He then holds his hands to his heart, then to the bridge of his nose and points forward, the ball rocketing in the direction of his fingers.

With a worry in the back of her mind about how the others are holding up against the demons she is confident there is nothing to worry about and speeds her flight up to where she could alight on her dragon's back Phoenix tries to see if yoko will answer back, she yells "Yoko?" she un sheathes her sword and tries to hit the demon but the demon quickly dodged her attack, on top of that she didnt want to accidently hit yoko.

Sparrow Hawk took a deep breath as the ball of pure white magic rocketed at the demons. He then let out a loud scream as his body started to glow with the same light as the ball.

Phoenix tries again watching for yoko's sfetey and barely hits the demon on the side, she gets off her dragon and starts flying on her own, she gestures that her dragon should follow below yoko with a loud scream she flys as high as she can falls straight down and stomps his face in the demon is not dead yet but drops yoko onto the dragon's back, the dragon stops and hovers down slowly into the shadows hideing them from the demon leaving Phoenix to fight the demon.

Yoko was put into a spell by the demon before Phoenix got there.. she is in a dream world.. "Where am i??" ... "wasnt i in hell??" She says looking at her surroundings.. "How did i get..home?"..

Every hit to the demon echoeing off the cave walls Phoenix fights the demon in a martial arts type style noticing this demon is different it is stronger than the others. she squeezes a cresent kick across his face and begins to break a sweat as she also notices this demon doesnt die easily it keeps getting up or recovering after every hit, Phoenix is thinking if she doesnt kill it soon shell have to get really serious.

Chani draws her guns, and shoots off her rounds. She gets hit in the back. She loses her hold on her guns. Chani rolls onto her back, just in time to see the demon who hit her, bring his fist down into her face.

Sparrow Hawk rockets straight at the demons that attacked Chani and tackles them rather hard."Get away from her!" He then flips off of one of them and shifts back to Ged rather quickly, snapping the demons necks.

Yoko looked around, "this isnt did i get home..." She was looking around at all the snow covered trees and snowy mountains.. "Hello!....." she called out .. no answer.. she was all alone..

Chani grabs hold of Ged's hand. "Thank you."

Hydro watched as his partners transformed into strange creatures. He walked behind Yoku and Chani listening to them talking I wonder if these guys have ever woken up with twelve dead bodies laying beside them?. His thoughts trailled of as the demons struck. I can't use my shotguns it may hit Yoku. I'll have to battle up close he ran to the demon that struck Yoku and whirled around and planted a kick in the back of the demons head.

Ged nodded and lightly squeezed Chani's hand."No problem."

Phoenix knew she wasnt going to kill the demon anytime soon so she stunned the demon with a kick to the stomach and started to summon a blazeing fire which started to violently swirl in a whiplike strand around her body and struck the demon, the entire string of fire dissappeared into the demon's body, for a moment it did not affect him but it started to violently consume his body from the inside out."There that worked" she went into the shadows to check on her dragon and Yoko.

Ged Kind of smiled at the feeling of Chani's hand in his. He then smiled and lightly kissed her cheek.

Chani blushed deeply. She turned her head and met his lips with hers. "Help me up?"

Ged smiled and helped Chani to her feet after lightly kissing back.

Chani picked her guns up, still holding Ged's hand. She looked around and saw the chaos everywhere. The young woman squeezed Ged's hand before letting go.

Yoko looked around once again, taking in her familular surrounding.. "how could this be.." she said walking around aimlessly searching for someone, anyone.. there was no one she was all alone.. She sat under a tree and pondered.. "where did everyone eles go.."

Hydro picked Yoku up and carried her, for the second time in so many minutes, over to a pedastal wich he had not noticed before. He rested Yoku beside it and stared at it he thought first of all that he was staring at a Demonic language. He was about to call Ged, Chani and Phoenix to look at it, when he realised that he been reading it upside down, also Chani and Ged looked sort of busy. He read out loud
"Beware the travaller who is not dead,
Danger lies in the path ahead,
For magma lies benieth these floors,
To engulf choosers of wrong doors,
The skeletons may help or may hinder,
They may not be form those burnt to a cinder,
One door leads straight to Hell,
Which one is difficult to tell,
Be quick be quiet and don't be late,
For bad things happen to those who wait.

Yoko looked around.. "where did the whole go.." she said to herself then ran around looking for the whole... "im all... alone..." She said then sat down.. She always hated being alone.. she just never said anything about it.. she had never been close to anyone.. she never had.. Friends.. "was all of that a dream.. could it have been.. it was soo real.." she says then sits in a tree with her head down.

Chani killed the demons heading towards Hydro. While wiping the blood off her face, she saw what Hydro was looking at. "What is that? And what does it say?"

Phoenix's dragon was restless knowing they were surrounded by demons and so was Phoenix, she was getting irritated for an unkown reason but phoenix knew very well what it was, while she was thinking she saw a demon heading her direction and kicked it in the side with her heel then stabbed it "Their comeing kind of slow"

Yoko was trying not to acctrully.....cry..... she whiped a tear from her face ""why am i crying.. do i really miss them that much?..."" she thought.. "i have to find my way back there" she said out loud the running off to somehow find the way back.

Chani waited for Hydro. She looked beside the pedestal, there was Yoko, but she wasn't conscience. The young woman knelt down in front of girl, she sense that she couldn't wake up. Chani put a hand on Yoko's head, Yoko?.....Yoko? Can you hear me?"

Yoko heard Chani but she couldnt scence or see her.. "Chani!! is that you, where are you!" ... she was thinking that she was probably just hearing things.. that her lonleyness was taking advantage of her.

"Yoko!! Oh thank God! Yes its me...Chani....I'm going to try to help you friend. What happened? Where are you?" On the outside,Chani had closed her eyes, so that the connection between her and Yoko was stregthened. Chani placed her other hand over Yoko's heart.

"i...i...i dont know.. it looks like home..but..." Yoko says but dosnt finish beeing picked up and thrown to the ground by a mystirious demon that came from no where. "You killed my brother you shall pay for your sins" The demon says then picking her up and throwing her.

Phoenix had noticed that chani and yoko had gotten in touch and she and her dragon sat down beside them out of curiosity watching.

Chani was thrown back against Phoenix. "Yoko!!!" screamed Chani. She placed a hand to her chest, trying to get her breath back. "What the hell?" Chani noticed that there was bruising on the young woman's neck. She crawled back in front of Yoko, pulled her shirt collar down and saw that Yoko's upper chest was brusing also. "Oh God....." Chani placed her hands back on Yoko's forehead and heart, trying to re-establish the connection. "Hang in there Yoko, please." Chani said to the young woman.

Phoenix was startled from chani being thrown on top of her and wondered "What is happening to Yoko?" it was now a constant worry on her mind she could still get hurt under this spell, if we dont wake her up soon she could get seriously hurt

The demon grabbed Yoko by the neck and was choking her, "im going to slowely and painfully kill you, just like my brother" The demon said then scratching her face with his claws leaveing three claw marks on her face that soon began to bleed.. "" Yoko said trying to talk and breathe. The demon threw her into a tree really hard and the force broke the tree makeing one of the tree branches go through her arm.. Yoko let out a quick yell out of pain, thinking i havent done anything.. what did i do..

Phoenix's eyes went wide knowing yoko was in alot of pain thinking about anything she could do to help but in panic she could not think of anything quick but she wondered if she could get into yoko's mind unsure of herself knowing shes never done that before she hesitated."Chani do you think it would be possible to send my dragon into yoko's mind, after all my dragon originated as a spirit"

Chani gasped as Yoko's face began to bleed. Trying to control her emotions, she answered Phoenix's question. "I believe it would help." Chani looked at the girl, prayed, then grabbed Phoenix's hand and placed it under hers on Yoko's forehead. "I'll try to send you through, I don't know if it will work. I'll release my hand once you 'tell' me you are there. I'll keep my hand on her heart, to give strength. Understand? Help whatever you can.....let me know when you need out...."

Yoko was trying to get the branch out of her arm.. but she couldnt reach and she could barely move.. ""am i really going to die, am i going to die her im the snow.." Yoko thought in pain.."help.......someone..." Yoko said softly trying to get up.. "Stay down, There is no one here to help you, you are going to die at my hands." The demon says slaming his foot down on on her rib cadge, breaking it.. knocking the breath out of her..

"Ok ill try my best" her dragon transformed into its spirit and they both got into Yoko's mind "im here along with my dragon chani thanks" but right when she got there the demon headed straight for her very startled Phoenix screamed in anger and flew straight towards him and tackled him to the ground her dragon immediately pounced on him holing him back from Phoenix and Yoko, Phoenix ran over to Yoko pulled the branch out of her arm and tried to tend to her wounds as well as she could.Phoenix's dragon finally killed him and walked back to Phoenix "Yoko are you ok?"

Yoko couldnt breathe and couldnt talk.. all she would think about was pain.. her vision went blurry.. she was ither going to be killed or left to die, she didnt know what was going on anymore..

"Try not to focus on the pain too much" Phoenix was worried that Yoko would pass out "Chani, we are ready now"

Yoko tryed not to think about the pain, but it was very difficult.. she was slowley begining to pass out from the pain in her body.

"Ok...". Chani felt Yoko's body weakening, she closed her hazel eyes and 'saw' the girl's heart. She forced her own strength into Yoko's failing heart. The girl's body gave a jerk. "C'mon, stay with me." Chani brought the two back out. She glanced at Phoenix, "What happened in 'there'?" She turned her attention on the battered Yoko. "Oh sweet darlin, stay with us."

Yoko started breatheing very very slowley, her eyes did not open though.. her wounds slowley started to dissapear, and her heart rate started to go more, but she did not wake up.

"I knocked the demon down and my dragon killed him, any longer and she couldve been killed." Phoenix's dragon turned back into its dragon form and lay down beside Yoko licking her face thinking it would wake her up.

Yoko's eyes started twitching, she slowley started awakening, a few minutes later she started coughing and her eyes fully opened and she looked around... "where am i.. am i back?" she said with a lil groan.

Chani threw her arms aroung the girl, careful not to hurt her. "Oh Yoko! Thank God!" Chani stopped the hug, she looked over Yoko, examining. "Yes you are back..."

Yoko smiled .. thinking so i really have friends.. Yoko looked at Chani then at Phoenix "so .. you really care what happens to me?.. why do you care so much.. i mean im just anouther demon.. im not special in any way.." Yoko says then trys to get up but fails because of her wounds..

"You just sit awhile. Those wounds are deep." Chani gave a smile. "Of course we care about you, demon or no....we care."

Hydro hung back throught the ordeal, he had no expertees of the mind or soul. Instead he read over the poem again his eyes constantly flickering to "For bad things happen to those who wait.". When Yoku awoke he ran to her side and hugged her, nearly nocking her over "You seem to get into tons of trouble," he said embracing her tightly. Then realising what he was doing he let her go blushing, "It's great your back but we have a bit of a problem. One of these doors," he pointed at the slabs covering the holes, "Contains a way to get further into Hell, the rest however simply contain boiling hot magma to kill the person who opens them. I've studied the poem," he jerked his head towards the pedastal, "and it doesn't give one hint. It's just luck."

Yoko got up all the way. She then went over to the doors. "I know i do.. I have always gotten into trouble and makeing people worry" She said without looking at them and then sighing. She then walked past each door. "Its this one." She said calmly. "This one smells diffrent from all the others, the other ones smell all the same and this one smells diffrent. Its still just a guess but i think its this one." She said then walking to the door.

"Alright lets give it a try." said Hydro and grabed hold of the long chain on the slab. He heaved at it and found it to be extremly heavy but still he managed to drag it back a little bit. Imeadiatley the chain stuck fast to his hand's and the slab sank into the depths of a writhing pool of magma. "The Devil must have known we had demonic help. He must have disgiused the real one." he strugled against the pull of the slab but it was to strong, "CUT THE CHAIN! CUT IT!" he yelled.

Yoko cut the chain quickly then looked at the lava... She looked at Hydro "Let me open the doors from now on" She said then just randomly picking a door and opening it quickly then beeing quickly dragged into lava, for it was the wrong door.. A few seconds later her head poped out from under the lava, she would have come out further but she noticed when she was dragged in her clothes burned off.. "Crap!!.. i forgot my clothes cant stand lava like my body can.. uhh dose anyone have any clothes i can borrow.."She said looking at herself quickly to see if anything eles stayed.. She still had her weapons and everything the only things gone where her clothes.

"Here Yoko you can borrow my cloak, its dragon scaled so it should stand up to the lava" Phoenix ran over and gave her the cloak "its pretty tough too so it should protect you quite a bit, my other clothes are also dragon scaled so me and my dragon can help open the doors also"

"Eh Thanks" Yoko says getting out and quickly putting the cloak on, "i have figured out one thing, its not that door" She says then going to a diffrent one.."lets see.." She says then opening the door, No lava, "i think its this one" she says while looking into the door.

Ged wiped a bit of blood from his right shoulder and from his lip as he made his way to Chani and Yoko. As his eyes fell on Yoko and he began to wonder, then lightly rested a hand on Chani's shoulder."She ok?" he asked, concern for his friend showing quite clearly in his voice.

As the chain was cut Hydro fell backwards and knocked a skull across the room it was soon crushed under a slow moving Demons foot. hurryhurryhurryhurryhurryhurryhurry he thought as the demons slowly advanced. When Yoku got the right door the Demons were feet away "Come on then." he said "Not much time left."

Yoko took a step in and right when she did most the land fell apart leaveing a thin path. "It is this door cause i can see another door across the way.." She said then looking at her friends.. "Anyone who cant walk something that thin and cant withstand lava wanna ride?" she asked looking at the lava then to her friends.

"my dragon and I can carry someone too, if you dont want to carry all of them" Phoenix readied her wings for flight stretching them out "If anyone is afraid of flying I suggest that my dragon carry you, he can walk you across instead"

"I think we should hurry." Yoko says as black flames consume her and she turns into her wolf demon form and bends down for if anyone wants a ride.

Chani gave Ged a weak smile. "Yes she'll be fine. She's strong." She climbed onto Yoko's wolf form. "I'm ready."

Ged quickly sprouted his wings a second time, shifting into Sparrow Hawk and nodded to Chani, "Let's go."

"Na, I'll walk. It's not asthough I thought it would be risk free." said Hydro "lava proff people and children first."

Sparrow Hawk looked at Hydro and grinned."You sure you don't want a ride? It will be much quicker."

"So long as someone catches me if I fall." replied Hydro grinning.

Phoenix stepped in then srarted flying gracefully into the air her firey hair flowing in the wind her dragon following close behind glad to finally be able to strech its wings

Yoko jumped onto the lava, but makeing sure it didnt get on Chani, and headed for the other door.. The lava wasnt very deep at all, but for people that couldnt take lava would be an very painful burning death. She would everyonce in a while look over to where Hydro is making sure he hasent fallen.. They were making it good until half way. When Lava Demons came up from in the lava.. Yoko looked at them and started growling.

Phoenix started to get ready pulling out her sword

Yoko Dodged a few flaming lava balls and was trying to be careful for Chani was on her back, she was thinking that she couldnt attack because of Chani and would somehow have to get past them quickly and carefully.

Phoenix flew over and slashed at the demons "Hurry and take the others past them I will distract them" blocking a fireball with her sword she flew in a spiral knocking one over, the other scratching her arm as she tried to take a swing at him.

Yoko grabbed up Hydro, thinking hes getting a ride like it or not, and rushed to the other side, She got to the other door putting them down on a part of rock by the door then rushed back to where Phoenix was and tackled one of the Demons, then growling looking at the other three.

Chani looked to where Yoko and Phoenix were, fighting those lava demons. Shw knew she couldn't help.

Yoko got hit to the ground by one of the Demons but quickly got up and tackled it to the ground and slashed it up. Suddenly 4 more came from nowhere.. this isnt going to be eaisy she thought tackling anouther one down.

Phoenix was starting to get irritated and quickly stepping on the surface of the lava she cut a demon in half and it melted away but soon after a demon slashed at her face leaving a small cut on her cheek, she dodged its other attack and stabbed it, she fell back and jumped up into the air and shot them with her shotgun but the bullets melted away at her suprise and she was dragged down into the lava by the ankle from behind, coming back up she was still being held onto she managed to grab ahold of the thin walkway and kick the demon off and soon the only articles of clothing left were dragon scaled "damn" she was pissed.

Yoko looked over to Phoenix, then clawed another Demon down.. She was thinking her other form was stronger but she couldnt fight in just a cloak becuase it would come open.. I have some Lava proof clothes in my bag. She thought, then thinking that she was an idiot. She turned into her other form and quickly looked into the bag she carried by her side, and like she thought the clothes where there, She quickly got them out and put them on. She then ran over to one of the Demons and jumped on its back, she then put an ice crystal into the head of it makeing it freeze. She then got off and kicked it and it broke into pieces. "Ha!" She yelled as the Demon broke into pieces! Then while not watching out got thrown into a wall.

When at first the Demons came out of the lava Hydro took a shot at them. He was about to loose his balance when Yoku saved him and brought him and Chani over to the opposite door. "I can't fire from here I might hit someone on our team." he said desperaltley. He didn't have to worry about missing any action because Demons started to crawl up the sides of the platform. "There's loads comig up!" Hydro yelled to Chani as he began blasting.

Phoenix glanced over to the others and saw her dragon was also in the midst of battle, she ran over to three demons heading towards yoko and beheaded them, but as they melted away there were already twice as many coming back up "as long as the lava is here their going to keep coming no matter what" as she was almost knocked down from behind she also saw many more crawling up the wall "Mabey the others should start heading out the other door before the whole room is crawling with them"

Yoko got pissed, She threw a few ice crystals into the Lava and everything made of lava froze.. "it will only work for about 7 minutes we have to get out of here" She said trying to catch her breath.

Phoenix flew over to the others and her dragon and landed on the thin walkway "you guys can go out first ill cover from behind"

Yoko was walking over to the door, when walking past one of the lava demons kicked its head off, it shattered then she ran over to the door and where the others where. "Okay lets get out of here."

Phoenix walked out with the others "So, now where do we go from here?"

Yoko followed and was the last one out, makeing sure everyone was out, blocked the door. "I dont know, i guess we go straight." She said for the only thing there was a stright path. "There looks like theres somthing ahead of here."

Chani started out first, she had to make up for the lava demons. "I'll check it out first." She took a deep breath, a strange stink began half way through. She coughed, Chani squinted her eyes. "There is" The young woman fell to her knees the smell was too much for her. When she put her hand to wipe away the tears that were flowing from her eyes, she caught sight of her hand. It was no longer smoothed skin, the skin of a 18 year old, it was the skin of an old woman. She turned her head and yelled, "Don't come any farther!!"

"Chani!" Yoko yelled, she wanted to help her friend, but going in there would just make the situation worse, She tried to find a way to get to her and help, but she couldnt figure out a way.. Even though the gas was far away, since she was a wolf demon she could still smell it and it was getting to her nose. She had to figure out a way to get out. She started coughing for the smell was horrible and to strong for her.

"Stay back..." Chani's voice was much weaker. She could feel her body slowly age. She couldn't move. "Dear God please help me...."

Sparrow Hawk looked towards Chani and decided that he couldn't just let this happen. He spread his angelic wings and flew directly towards Chani. As he reached her, he picked her up in his arms and started in the opposite direction. As he neared the entrance, he felt his knees go week, stumbled and fell, the young woman in his arms falling out of the small area.

Yoko could see to the other side of the passage way, the only thing she could see in doing was makeing a run to the other side, She thought it might work or it it might just be a trap, but she was going to take a chance. She ran down seeing if she could make it.. unfortunelty the smell got to her and she fell half way.

Phoenix thought off the top of her head and flapped her wings at the gas trying to blow it away from the others "Does that help?" also commanding her dragon to do the same.

Chani had looked up at Ged, gave a weak smile. She felt his arms slip from her body. She landed rather hard. Her body started to convulse, it was healing itself. She crawled to her knees, looked up and saw Ged lying there. "Ged!" She felt Phoenix's wings and the wind she was generating. "Harder Phoenix!" She had to reach Ged.

Sparrow Hawk slowly felt his consciousness fade as his body grew older. His wings slowly began to wilt and fade. He heard Chani call his name but could make no sound to let her know. His eyes grew heavy and he began to have trouble breathing.

"Ged! No!" Chani screamed. She inched forward, till she held his hand in hers. It was withered and frail. "You idiot....why didn't you listen? I'm not worth it." She started to cry. "Ged please stay awake....please don't leave me." She whispered this.

Sparrow Hawk slowly began to breathe a bit easier, his eyes flittering lightly as he saw the tears filling Chani's eyes."Chani...please don't cry.." His voice was small and his words broken. Tears filled his eyes as his breathing became shallow again.

Tears spilled down her cheeks. "Ged, listen to me." She crawled towards him more, her own hand started to wither. "You can't leave me. You can't leave us. We have a mission to complete. Don't leave me...." She took his face into her hands, and gently kissed his lips.

Sparrow Hawk felt Chani's lips against his and smiled as best he could. His voice came out in a ragged whisper."I'm not going anywhere Chani..I'll be here for all of you. I just..need to catch my breath." He knew he sounded ignorant but he wanted to reassure Chani as best he could.

Chani tries to drag Ged out of whatever this is, and does so slowly. "Hang in there my love." she whispered.

Phoenix's wings beat harder and harder determined to keep the air away from the others and at the same time trying not to feel fatigue and breathe in as little of the gas a possible "Listen you guys..." straining to keep the wind constant " have to try to go to the other side, me and my dragon will try our best to keep the gas away" she tried to keep her wings at a consistant beat to conserve energy.

Yoko got back up and slowley headed for the door, her black hair, turned silver/grey and her skin turned old. She was so close yet do far to the other side. She tried her hardest to make it to the other side, thinking if she did there might be a way to make the gas go away, She got to the other side and fell to her knees, No more gas... Her age became normal, now she just had to figure out if she could make the gas go away completley from this side.

Chani kept dragging Ged behind her. She reached the side where Yoko was. Collapsing onto Ged, she looked up into his face, and saw that he was turning back to his 'old' self. Tears of happiness spilled down her cheeks. She hugged Ged tightly.

Yoko looked around, looking for something that would stop the gas, looking for anything out of place. Then she found it, A demon "Statue", when this was just a clear passage, nothing more. She went over to it, makeing sure she was right. She was, for it wasnt a statue, it was a Demon in disguise. She looked at it and grinned, Then kicking it and killing it. "i think i found or little problem" She said as the gas dissapeared "We should keep going now, before anything comes our way." She said then looking at Chani and Ged.. "Are you guys okay?" 

Sparrow Hawk stood to his feet, his knees a bit weak then nodded."Yeah, I think so." He then wrapped his arms around Chani and smiled gently, lightly whispering to her."Thank you."

As Hydro stumbled out of the lava room second from last. He had severe burns on his legs and his tousers had caught fire once. He sank down and rested and so did not witness the extrodanairy scene with Chani, Yoku and Sparrow Hawk aging. He woke up when a funny smell he hadn't noticed before dissapeared. He looked up blearily and crawled over to the slope on wich the gas had once rested and slid down. Wincing at every bump or nudge of his leg. Finnaly he reached the bottom "Can I have some help getting up?" he asked.

Before Phoenix flew to the other side she stopped to fly Hydro over there as well and let him down near the others and landed on her feet her dragon already landed close by her side "Well lets go then"

Yoko went over to Hydro and noticed the burns on his legs. She kneeled down beside him and put her hands on his legs. Her eyes went white as she started to heal the burns, and slowley the burns started to go away.

Chani blushed deeply. "You're welcome." Never had she felt this way.

Hydro could feel his wounds healing and any cuts he had recieved cleaned themselves and sealed up. He felt better, better than he had felt before but he also felt angry. Angry at the fact that he was going through this, angry at the fact he had been jumped by the Demons, the fact that everyone else seemed to have cool powers but he didn't (He had no idea that that wasn't really true). He jumped to his feet, litrally jumped. He stomped over to the next door, a burnished brass and steel door with a lock on it that would be impossible to break or pick. He grabbed the lock and pulled, yelling as hard as he could. His eyes began to smoulder and his body visible throbing. The lock began to buckle under sheer force and strangley began to melt, as if the rage of his was turing into energy. Finnaly he renched the lock off and kicked in the door, knocking it of it's hinges and decapitating several demons in the other room. He then when't into the other room, with difficulty because with each throb he grew in size, and used the lock to beat the remaing Demons to death. Soon his rage began to subside and he staggered back out the door. He bagan to shrink back to his normal size, he stared at his hands covered with slime. He looked up at Yoku "What did I do?" he asked weakly.

Chani turned her head at the sound Hydro generated. Her eyes went wide. "Holy shit...." She pulled away from Ged, with reluctancy. She went and stood by the broken door, watched in amazment and horror at what Hyrdo was doing. She started to tremble when she saw that he grew in size. "God." When it was over, she saw the look in his eyes when he looked at Yoko.

Yoko looked at Hydro, She felt how strong he got, it made her look small and weak compaired to it."you.. umm you..." She says trying to put it into words.. "lets just say your anger got the best of you, and we are lucky we were not in your path of rage... can you remeber at all?" She said quietly, then looked at him. It made her scared to think if he would turn on them. It also reminded her of her past. When her anger got the best of her.. when she was only 11.. all the dead bodies from a village around me.. my friends.. everyone, and I couldnt remeber what happened, but there blood was on my hands..i had done it. .. She was thinking, then broke her thought by thinking of other things, She then looked at Hydro..

"No but I've got an idea what happened. The really scary thing is, I was mostly in control. If I hadn't I would have surely killed everything including you, probably." Hydro looked down sadly he didn't want them to see the teer's in his eyes. "It's my anger" he explained "It turns into actual energy. The angrier I am the stronger I am. That was just very annoyed." he got up shakily, using the wrecked door frame as support. He walked into the next room wich by now looked like one of those 80's disco pads, with multi coloured slime all over the walls and holes where he had missed the Demons. "I did this?" he said starring at the remains of a Demon with it's skull shattered.

Yoko walked up behind him. "yes.. you did, atleast we can get through here quickly now.." She said trying to lighten things up, knowing though that it was the wrong time to do it. "atleast you can control it somewhat.. my anger blinds me.. but my story dosnt matter, the best thing we can do now is to get through here and keep going until we have finished."

Phoenix was also suprised at Hydro's sudden burst of anger and remembered her killing spree back at the invisible path she thought I hope my anger doesnt do that either with a dazed look on her face

Yoko looked over to where a door was. "i think we go that way." Then seeing another door "Or that way..." She said confussed. She then walked over to one of the doors and opened it, it was ither a trap or the right door, and she was thinking if it was a trap that atleast her friends could go through the right door. She opened the door to see a HUGE firey demon in a circle pit of lava, She then quickly closed the door for a fire ball was coming at her. "oh, i hope thats not the right door!" She said then going over to the other door, She opened it and.. nothing.. a botomless pit, and thats it, no other doors no other paths.. nothing.. "ummm.. i dont think this is the way.." She said then closeing the door, Then going back to the other door, to see if there was any doors in there. She opened the door, and behind the demon lay a door with a lock, and a path around the demon that could only fit 1 at a time. "Shit.."

Chani saw the options. "Well either we flame with the nice lava demon, fall or try to fly across the bottomless pit or..." She nodded towards the chained demon. "We somehow get pass"

Meanwhile Hydro had wondered off unoticed, he was greatful for some time to think. There all scared of me now. I need to control myself, keep my anger locked up. he kicked a skull as he said this, it rolled across the floor, skidding slightly. Hydro turned his back on it wrapped in his own thoughts until a clunk interrupted them. Not the clunk of the skull hitting the stone floor but a clunk of the skull meeting wood. He scrambled over to it and after some digging through slime he found it. A door. Not metal like the others but wooden. He opened it and gazed at the contense. He jelled out "Guy's look what we have here." as he brought up the first shield and spear.

Yoko looked over, unfourtunaly she was still standing by the door to where the huge fire demon was. His hand came to the door and pulled her in, the door closeing and locking afterwards. The demon then threw her into the wall and she landed on the slim path. She knew she either had to somehow kill the demon or be killed. She got up and charged at the demon, but her atempts failed as she was just knocked down into the lava, going farther and farther down i will not die to this demon She thought in anger. She came back up and slashed at the demon, again it failed, she was thrown back up against the wall, this time the wall had little spikes in it though, which pirced into her body. She yelled in pain, then dropped onto the ground. She wasnt going to die, not like this, not after so much. The demon was makeing her angrier and angrier, but she somehow could not get a hit on it. She was pushed into the lava once more, she had had enough, she was absoulutly pissed, she tried to control it, but it didnt work, her rage blinded her, and her eyes turned blood red, her strength grew, the demon itself was getting scared of her power, it tried to stop it by throwing her into the lava once more, but she just came back up "pesty demon.." she says then slashing its head off, the demon fell over, almost dead, "no it can not be i cant be defeted!" The demon says with its last words, Yoko was still blinded by her anger, she still wanted to kill, she walked over to the door she had been dragged into from, it melted away just by her power, she walked through and looked at everyone, a flaming aura around, Her eyes still blood red, she was thirsty for blood, and didnt care where it came from, she was a partner and an enemy..

Hydro had been busie colecting the spears and shields to notice Yoku get pulled into the next room. Pretty soon he rattled over to Ged, Phoenix and Chani holding armfulls of spears and balencing four shields on top of each other. "Where's Yoko?" he puzzled then he noticed the locked door and but two and two together. "NO!" he yelled, dropping the items, and scrabbled at the door pulling at the handel and trying to use the spears to leaver it out of it's hinges. He tried with all his might but instead of anger he felt sadness and loss. Suddenly the door began to grow hot and began to glow white. The shinning metal was becoming blackened and starting to melt. From behind the shrouds of black smog caused by the melted door Hydro could make out the shape of Yoko. "You alright Yoko?" he said steping forward just as Yoku stept forward. Hydro almost flinched away from the heat and sight of the flames all over Yoku, writhing and flickering. "Yoko?" he said quietly reaching towards here, slowly, causciously. Then he caught sight of Yoko's eyes and saw himself mirrored twice in those blood red mercilous eyes. He remembered the feeling just before he turned into that thing. The fury, the pain, the lust to cause surrfering and to draw blood. He new Yoku was going through the exact same experiece but she had less control than he had. "If she get's out of hand grab a shield, only use weopans when nessesary." he said over his shoulder to Ged, Chani and Phoenix "Remember she's still our friend and is not responsible for her actions."

Yoko gave a wicked evil smile as she looked at Hydro, she picked him up and threw him into Chani,She was blinded by rage, unable to control it, she had to kill, she needed blood..

Hydro flew through the air and into Chani knocking her over. "Sorry." he said grabbing her and pulling her over to the sheilds. He grabbed one and shoved it at her. He grabbed one himself and slowly approuched Yoko. "Yoko? It's us. Remember? Your friends."

Yoko jumped up and landed in front of Hydro and started slashing at him, all of her atempts missed but one when the sheild broke in half, it pirced his chest, leaveing three claw marks, not very deep but still there, but right when she hit, she was thrown back, she quickly got back onto her feet, her power still rising.

As the claw pierced his chest, it was like all the anger in him burst through a dam, the release of energy was the thing that had sent Yoko flying. He began to grow again growing out of preportion. The wounds did not heal, strangley, but was still there burning there on his chest. Finnaly he managed to rope his temper and stabalise by thinking about Yoko but he was still humoungous. He lent down towrds Yoko his body pulsating and yelled so hard at her that it made her fall over.

Yoko fell over because of it, but she quickly got back up and got in a fighting stance, then disapearing out of sight, a second later she was on hydro's back, she pirced her hand through his back leaving a hole, then jumping back a lil ways away, blood all over her hand, she brought her hand to her mouth and licked the a little of the blood off, then smiled evily..

The hole began to heal but it was taking longer than anticipated. Hydro swung around and hit Yoko in the stomach with surprising speed. It sent her flying across the room and into a wall, which cracked from the ceiling to the floor.

After Yoko hit the wall, she slid down it.. "h..hy..hydro..." it sounded like her normal voice, but weak but it was just that her rage and angered self had become smarter, it was trying to figure out a weakness in him. She layed there in the floor, face down.. seeing if he would come or if she would just have to keep fighting how she was.

Hydro lumbered over to Yoko and nudged her with one of his fingers. She was still alive he could tell but in his own mind a personal battle was going on. Slowly he began to shrink but not entirly. Finnaly he settled with enough power over his own body to keep control but with enough strenghth to defend himself. "Yoko" he said in a low deep voice. Almost like a growl.

Yoko suddenly poped up and her hand went into Hydro's stomach when she did, She then jumped off a little ways away, both of her hands now bloody, She was back in her fighting position, again the evil smile was on her face, at this point it looked like she would never be normal again...

Hydro doubled up and lay there as his wound's began to heal. He knew he couldn't just keep punching her, it was having no affect. He just needed to knock her out. I wonder he thought. He got up shakily, his wounds still bleeding and rushed at Yoku his arms wide and grabbed her in a tight hug. Then he let go. All his anger, hate and pain rushed out again. This time he had no intension of stopping it. His body grew and grew. As it did some strange things started to happen. His body suddenly burst into flame. Also light began to pour out his eye's and mouth. At last electricity began to crackle all over him and into Yoko. Hydro held tightly onto Yoko Any second now he thought before the electricity threw Yoko and him, across the room, both unconious.

Yoko lay there.. unconsious.. all her power gone, it looked as if she was even barely alive, there was no movement from her, she just layed there, the fire gone, her eyes closed..

Hydro lay on the other side of the room breathing slowly and shrinking.

Most people would have died from the blast, but Yoko didnt, she woke back up, still just living barely, her eyes still blood red, but she was weak, yet her anger still controled her, her strength was returning, enough to where she sould now stand, She slowley got up, and walked off quickly, for she still did not have enough power to run, she was going to rest and get power back, then get the blood she wanted..

Chani just shook her head at Hydro. She took the shield and just watched. She feel to her knees when Yoko lost control. No body knew this but she was 'demon' sensitive. She could feel Yoko's anger spill into her, she tried throwing up her 'shield' and barely made it. She collaspsed when Yoko was finished.

Phoenix was sitting next to her dragon for safety when she also became irritated and stood up, she felt bad not being able to do anything about it she thought to herself If she attacks again and cannot control her anger I have a trick up my sleeve that might just work she tried not to look like she was going to fight yoko to try not to anger her more and sat down on her dragon's back as if everything were fine but behind her back under her hand was something glowing ready in case Yoko did attack but Phoenix hoped she didnt have to use it on her freind for it was a potent spell which could affect her within seconds.

Yoko sat a little ways away getting her energy back, breatheing heavily, it was rapidly coming back, soon she was breahteing normal, and it was back a normal power, and rising again, an aura of flames once again consumed her, her power had come back, almost like before, a bit less though, considering she was tired still, She came back to where they where, ready to attack who ever she could.. but inside she was screaming at herself to stop, She started to walk over to Phoenix, but her walk was hesidant, "" She says while heading for Phoenix, her words where slow, She then ran and jumped into the air, coming down on Phoenix, with her claws in front ready to attack, a tear ran down her face as she did..

Phoenix also hesitated, she knew she was making a mistake being hesitant like this, even though the spell was just a narcotic instead of using the spell she was going to try to wake her up one way or another "Sorry if I hurt you a bit in the process Yoko...but I will not kill you until it is my last resort" she grabbed Yoko's arm in an attemt to gain control and flipped her to the ground in a fighting stance. Her wings stiffened as if she were braceing for another attack, this was extremely difficult for Phoenix, the last thing she ever wanted to do was fight her freind she tried not to let emotions get in the way of a serious situation though, inside she wanted to hold back.

Hydro got up blearily. The three slashes on his chest were burning bright but did not hurt at all. He sat there watching Yoko and Phoenix getting ready to fight. He needed strength, he was not going to let Yoko be comsumed by her Innerdemons. But now rest.

Yoko ran at Phoenix, her blood red eyes filled with tears as she did, inside she did not want to fight, but she couldnt control her body, her inner demon, her rage and hate twords all, was to strong for her to control, it would not stop inless it got what it wanted, blood, or died trying, She ran at Phoenix and slashed at her .. thinking kill me...

Chani almost started to cry. She could feel the hate, the fright that Yoko felt. Her body began to convulse, forcing her to her knees, then on her side. The hate was becoming too much. "Yoko!!" Chani somehow managed to stand up on her wobbly legs. She needed the young girl to come towards her, to get away from Phoenix. This hate, anger will consume her and Phoenix if I don't make her come to me.

Yoko looked over to Chani and stopped, Her movements shifted twords Chani, She was thinking friends.. dont... She ran at Chani, ready to attack.

Phoenix already in a blocking stance with an arm up in front of her face she ran twords Yoko and Chani "No chani dont!" she jumped and came down on yoko's back in a karate chop collapseing Yoko for the moment she murmured to chani "I think I can handle this...I just dont want anyone else to get hurt", panting from the sudden rush she got back into her ready stance "Sorry..Yoko" she knew it wasnt over yet, chani looked like she was about to collapse and Yoko wasnt about to give up soon, blowing her hair from her face she was ready but feeling the adrenaline of fighting she became irritated and determined to help Yoko.

Chani was about to throw up. She willed Yoko to keep coming, but when Phoenix intervened, she yelled. "Phoenix, No!!!!" She fell to her knees. "I need to touch her....." in gasping breaths she continued. "I can take away that anger without hurting her.....or anyone else...." She forced herself up again. "Get off her Phoenix, I've done this before." Chani gave a weak smile. " I can handle this." She reached out a hand, ready to touch Yoko. She knew that the girl wouldn't come to her as a tamed lion, Chani knew that Yoko would charge her,throw her back, but that quick touch, would transfer the anger from the scared young woman to her own weak body. "No body intervene...or something horrible will happen." Chani steadied herself for the impact. "Nobody move!!!!" She locked eyes with the girl. "Yoko I am not afraid of you. You are my friend, always will be my friend." A unnatural glow began to emit off of Chani. "Whatever happens Yoko I forgive you. I will harbor no hate towards you, only love. I forgive you Yoko."

Phoenix held still, still panting she knew she didnt have a choice so she watched Yoko and Chani giving herself a time to rest.

Yoko looked at Chani, her inner evil demon and rage, knew what was going on, for that was how it had left once before, it was not going to leave like that again, atleast not without blood and death, She was just standing there, for her rage wanted to back off, yet herself wanted to go twords Chani, she was shaking, but she started to back off, her eyes flashed normal for just a second, but then they turned full blood red again, and she jumped back away from Chani, Yoko, had gotten control of one of her arms, and she was thinking if she couldnt get over there to Chani, she would just kill herself, for she did not want to hurt her friends. She quickly for the few seconds she could control her hand, stuck it into her chest, her eyes widened and turned back to normal, and blood dripped from her mouth as she fell to her knees and then all the way to the ground.. dead..

Phoenix not usually sensitive to this stuff was unusually appaled by the sight of her dead freind she took a step back her right hand just barely touching her cheek in awe she couldnt beleive she killed herself, also an unusual thing, she almost instantly felt like crying the first thing that crossed her mind was WHY DID SHE HAVE TO GO AND KILL HERSELF DAMMIT! but that thought erased itself from her mind almost as quickly as it came because she had a feeling she wasnt dead yet...she took a step foward looking at yoko then remembered Chani she quietly said "Sorry I rushed into action like that..." a vague yet sorry smile appeared on her lips "I should watch what im doing and be more patient" looking back at yoko

Grief filled Chani as she saw her friend lying there. Yoko I could of helped you. She just shook her head slowly. "Do not worry about it Phoenix. I understand." The young woman took steps until she was near the girl's body. Kneeling down, she placed a hand on Yoko's chest, above her heart. You can't die young one. We need you. She closed her eyes.

soon phoenix started to think they were not alone...she heard weird sounds as if demons were moving about for a breif moment, her dragon also became a bit restless pacing in circles then sitting down stretching his wings, sitting down Phoenix eyed the walls and the roof then the doors whatever that was outside, then she slipped deep into her thoughts thinking.

Ged blinked away tears as he looked upon his fallen comrade. He then wrapped his arms around Chani and slowly started to chant, a blue glow beginning to form around Yoko's body. He chanted a bit faster, silently praying this would work.

Yoko lay there dead on the floor.. Minutes later, her heart began to beat silently and slowley, then slowley bagan to beat faster, her eyes opened suddenly, at first all blood red but then turned her normal color, but she just lay there, and rest..

Ged smiled gently and lightly kissed Chani's cheek."She'll be ok..."

Chani let out a sigh of relief when she saw the girl's eyes opened. She smiled when Ged kissed her cheek. "Good."

Phoenix smiled knowing yoko was alright and brought herself out of thought then she grinned and walked over to the wall near yoko and sat down taking out her sword polishing the dried demon blood off of it and said in a happy tone of voice "Its good your not dead yoko" and at the same time still wondering what was outside.

Yoko started to breathe normal again, then tried to sit up but failed from the pain, and fell back to the ground.. she was thinking im to dangerous, when im angry... i..i..lose control.. i almost killed them.. i couldnt live with myself if i did kill them... ill just try and keep calm from now on.. Her wound was yet still slowley healing, she just hopped that no demons come while she lay there, unable to move..

Phoenix saw Yoko try to get up and put a hand on her shoulder to try to comfort her "Dont push yourself right now, rest" trying not to alarm anybody...especially yoko in her state right now, she thought to herself..those demons are just waiting...I can tell...but why arent they coming here? she got up using her sword as leverage, whispering something in her dragon's ear it turned to a ghostly look and lie down in the corner now in it's spirit form "he will be able to rest more in that form, once we are ready to move on he will turn back into his solid form."

Ged looked towards Phoenix and nodded a bit, voicing honest opinion."Rest would be good for all of us at this particular moment."

Hydro got up shakkily. He had felt terrible not being able to do anything as the battle had waged. He walked over to Yoko sat down beside her and not thinking at all, kissed her.

Yoko sat up fulley and acctrully kissed back.. she hadnt known why but she did, then slowly pulled back and blushed, she didnt feel the pain much any more..her wound started to dissapear and she just looked at Hydro.

Chani looked at the young kids, an eyebrow raised. Interesting She half-turned and wrapped her arms around Ged.

As yoko pulled away Hydro started to turn red aswell and determinatley tried not to meet her eye because he was smiling so much. "I'm glad your OK Yoko. I was so worried," he could hardly get the words out through his smile and silent laughter. He inspected his chestwound with intrest "Strange," he said "I usually heal when I change and why is it glowing?"

Phoenix also thught it was interesting and kindof snickered for a few seconds because it was so unexpected, or at least it was to her, but also wondered why hydro's wound was not healing, still smileing.

Yoko looked at Hydro and smiled, Then looked around quickly, her wound had healed almost fully now, she looked at Hydros wound also, and woundered why it was not healing, then looked around the cave they where in noticeing that demons had surrounded it fully.. "what are they waiting for.." she said looking around to all the demons she could spot out hideing in cracks and places around everywhere.

Phoenix suddenly turned around looking at the demons that surrounded them I knew it! but what are they waiting for? but then her face went from a worried look to an evil smirk she thought exitingly to herself I cant wait to kick butt! Theres a bunch of them...enough to finally unlesh my full power... she got her sword out but as if it was nothing to worry about "I cant wait to take this one..."

Chani opened her eyes and saw what surrounded them. "Oh god..."

Hydro looked around at the Demon's hiding in the cracks Damn never a moments peace. he thought. An oveerly confidednt demon decided that he and Yoko were the one's that looked the least threatening, a deadly misstake. As his body hit the floor and his head hitting the floor a few seconds later, Hydro lowered the smoking shotgun. "Hey guy's, were having a moment here!" he yelled to the demons. Surprisignly the demons scampered back "Cool," he said.

Yoko looked at hydro then tryed to get up, unnfortunatly even though her wound was gone she was still a little wobbly. She coughed and looked around again.. "were surrounded completly.." She said, she could sence all the demons presence, hundreds of demons.. maybe a thousand.. she desided that if they where going to attack that she would fight back, She stood up, just barely, almost falling when she did.

Ged sighed as he noticed them as well, his arms still around Chani. His thoughts started to race, but he then shook his head, staring back at the Demons."They're afraid of something it would seem."

Phoenix had a strong demonic aura building up, her hair in her face and her head bent down enough to create an earie feeling about her, she was getting ready to take out a whole bunch of them, her dragon grew in size as it turned to a solid state again now a deep purple color and evil red eyes. Phoenix said quietly "How many do you think you can lure over here....bring as many as you possibly can and keep them comin" her dragon growled in approval.

Yoko looked around for a door, so after they would finish they would have a way out of there, and et further along, for she did not know how far away they were.. a few moments passed and she spotted a door, or what looked like a door, it was diffrent from everything eles, it was trying to be hidden.. she decided after all the demons where gone, or if they where surrounded and trapped that would be the best way to go.. she just stood there and slightly rested on Hydro.

The demons seemed to be gathering themselves into an army in front of Phoenix no matter if they were lured or not. thats when they showed how many there actually was, hundreds of them gathered in front of her, thousands left on the sidelines. Phoenix snickered in amusement as they moved foward....her head came up showing wide red eyes and a horribly evil grin bearing her fangs almost as a dog would, her aura grew intensely stronger. as the demons saw her, the sight was horrible enough to make them want to stop in their tracks but they kept on. with a swift swing of her arm she pushed her sword in the ground behind her and thrust foward putting a hand clean through a demon's chest. "heh, Nerual...protect the others please" said Phoenix in a carefree voice, her dragon protected the others, she pulled the skewered demon off and grabbed her sword jumping into the middle of the group dissapearing.....but then she swung her sword in a broad circle causing demons to fly through the air.

Hydro helped support Yoko as they both stood up. "Damn demons." he said as the cuts on his chest started to glow a bright white. "What in hell?" he said starring at his chest. Suddenly he jerked, falling to his knee's. He yelled as the mark's burned bright.

Ged looked around quickly and caught a demon, who was sprinting straight at Chani with a back heel kick. His eyes narrowed and for the first time, turned blood red, he then spoke clearly, his voice quite cold,"Back. Off."

Chani was bone weary. She took, literlly took, the hate away from the demons that were heading their way. Never in her life had she felt this way. When she couldn't didn't have the strength she took her 9mm out and starting shooting.

Ged suddenly shifts into something even HE hasn't seen before. Deep black wings shot from his back, tipped with blood red spikes. His white shirt ripped completely off, scars from past torments and beatings now shining brightly. His eyes then went from blood red to pure white as long, razor sharp claws erupt from his hands and arms, the tattoo on his left bicep glowing brightly and spreading down his arm.

Yoko watched everyone begin to battle and looked at Hydro and kneeled down beside him. "Are you okay!" she watched as a demon came running at her, she then got up and clawed it down, at the same time it hit her across the room, she hit a wall, really close to a spike, she thought to herself.. do not get not get angry.. calm down.. you dont want to hurt your friends.. She got back up ready for any other demons that were going to attack her.

After killing the group of demons Phoenix flew over to Yoko, sword ready and waiting, and split a demon in half vertically still with a huge fang bearing evil grin, she said to herself as long as I controll my inner strength I have a good chance that I wont get out of controll her aura grew even stronger with every demon she killed becoming even more amused "If they become too much for you guys...go ahead through the door, ill catch up." she flew into the air and came down on top of another demon, her dragon eating them one after another and slinging their remains against the wall.

Chani's eyes went wide when she saw what Ged had turned into. She turned her head quickly, throwing up. The aura of him was over-powering. She wiped her mouth,put her 9mm's away and brought out her .45's. Chani then looked to Ged, her eyes stil in awe.

Hydro looked at Yoko smiling. He knew what was going through her mind. "It's OK Yoko," he said "it doesn't even hurt anymore. He got up and faced the demons. The one's the light hit cringing away "They're afraid of the light?"

Yoko looked at Hydro.. She was distracted by the light comiing from his chest.. She got thrown into another wall by a demon, while off gaurd.. after she hit the wall she fell to her knees and coughed up some blood.. The blood dripped from her lip for a few seconds as she then spit all that was in her mouth out and wiped the rest away then rised again. "Damn demon.." she said then looking at the demon. She withdrew her Sword and threw it like a mortal at a bar would throw a throwing knife into the heart of 1 demon.. 2 ... 3.. 4.. It had pinned and killed 6 demons that was in its way by the time it hit the wall, She then went over and got her sword out of the wall and slashed a Demon that was behind her in half, but since there was so many demons, at the time when she slashed the one, Another one came out of nowhere and kicked her across the room, As she hit the wall her arm went into a spike/nail, that was on the wall, she slid somewhat down the wall till she just hanged from her arm from the nail and let out a little cry in pain. Her sword was in a diffrent part of the wall, All she could do was weakly wait for someone to unpin her, or wait and slowley die from to much bloodloss...

Chani put her guns away and went to Yoko. She grimiced at the wound. She put a hand over Yoko's arm, "Pull forward when I say to hun." She closed her eyes, saw the wound visually, she cauturized the veins. "Pull!"

Yoko pullled forward when Chani told her to and almost screamed in pain, but kept it in, just barely letting out a sound..

Chani ripped her shirt and wrapped the wound up. She mumbled some words and made sure that the bone was broken. Good, intact.

Phoenix made a fire whip and strung it like string through beads into bunches of demons with a wave of her hand, finishing off the group. "When will they learn...they just keep on coming like they want to die!" she said in a menacing voice. The fire came back coiling around her body, suddenly Phoenix noticed her dragon was no longer on the ground and was in the air "damn...their comeing non stop from everywhere in this place." more demons came at Phoenix while she was unguarded and knocked her to the ground "DAMN YOU!!!" she got up and sliced them to peices. Phoenix's domnic aura was now overflowing with anger, dark flames engulfing her, bright red eyes, bearing her fangs...she let out a huge roar echoeing throughout the cave then proceeding to kill every demon in her path with her bare hands...

Yoko held her arm, also letting it heal up some.. why am i so weak now? she thought. i know im stronger then this.. she looked at her arm as it fully healed and as every other cut on her body disapeared.. She walked over to where her sword was and picked it up.. there going to come nonstop.. and who knows how many there are..all they are here to do is stop us, there life dosnt matter to them, they dont care who dies or if they get killed.. all we can do is run, and then trap them in the room as we proceed, eles we will be here forever.. She looked around at everyone "We should head for the door!!" she said pointing at the door "We should get out of here and trap them in here.. this will be a nonstop battle if we dont!... Hurry!!" She said slashing some demons away from her then almost losing her balance, then backing up towards Hydro more.. waiting for everyone eles to get to the door, as she would help keeping them away.. She then looked at phoenix "Phoenix! we need to get out of here!" She said as she heard the sound of cracking then looked at the floor, as it started steaming and cracking in half. Her eyes widened as she saw as she then ran over and completley tackled Hydro out of the way of the cracks path, they went rolling and she ended up on top of him then looking over to the crack and to the other side where the door was.. "Shit......"

Phoenix looked over to where Yoko and Hydro were as the crack appeared, "thats not good..." she told her dragon to gather up the others and carry them to the door "I will hold them back and will follow afterwards...if I fail to follow dont worry, ill cath up." she fought the demons hard "stay back for now...better safe than sorry" she then stood still and spilled all her demonic aura into one big spell, a cyclone of fire spun around her her eyes glowing intensely red, now sher looked almost godess like shining gold armour, flaming red hair, a dark energy sword, beautifull blood red tipped dragon wings and now her face looked almost elven. She powered clean through the demons with her sword, blood spraying everyhere.

Yoko looked at the dragon. "go get the others, we're fine over here.. i can make that jump, just worry on getting the others out." She said, she still lay on Hydro and was measureing the distance in her mind of how big the crack was.. She belived she could make it..

Hydro had seen Yoko being flung across the room and as he rushed to tend to her, with not another thought in his head except Is she alright? two demons grabbed his wrists, knocking the guns away. For a moment he starred at the demons as if he hardly realised what they were doing there an what, indeed, they were. When he finnaly remembered he grabed the demons by they're wrists and said "Never hold hands on the first date." before he janked them of thier feet. As they flew towards him he spread his arms wide, clothes lining them both. When he felt the ground shake and Yoko pressing against him. "What's happening?" he yelled over the terrific roar.

The demons now looked like swarms of ants heading for Phoeinix she used her sword to slice them out of the way, "It may be a trap, the crack could get wider and wider until the whole room would be consumed...or worse a volcanic eruption." her dragon nodded and looked anxious to get out.

Yoko looked at Hydro.. "The room is coming apart.." She said, Then looking back at the crack, a few moments after she did a huge walll came down into the crack, seperating her and Hydro, from the others.. All the demons ran off and disapeared and the room became very quiet.. She got up and looked around the room.. "We're trapped.. we will have to find anouther way..." She said then looking at Hydro and helping him up.. "Are you okay?" She asked then winced a little, for when the wall had come down a rock had slammed into her ankle and foot.. "oww!..." she said then leaned against hydro a bit.. "my ankle hurts..and im to tired to heal myself.. isnt this just great..." she sighed and looked down saddley..

Phoenix was releived the swarm of demons dissapeared but she felt really bad about how this was turning out "All we can do now is act accordinly when the time comes. Anything can happen now, just be ready." her dragon defended the others, and Phoenix put her sword away walking to the wall to inspect it "Hmmm...its really thick too, I could try to blast my way through it but it would take a while and I wouldnt want to risk triggering an even bigger trap..." she put her hand on the wall figuring it was made up of volcanic rock "There could very well be an eruption too, it looks like we might be standing above lava, heh hell...we may as well be standing under a roof of lava for all we know..."

Ged, now completely exhausted, falls face first to the ground, blood running from his mouth and arm.

Chani takes the exhausted Ged into her arms, trying to keep them both awake. She quickly examined his wounds and offered what Healing she could. "Please Ged don't pass out now...."

Ged opened his eyes and smiled gently."I'm going to be ok." He's said with a smile.

As the wall flew up not only was Hydro separated from his other friends but also his guns. As Yoko helped him up he noticed her wince. "I'll carry you for a while and don't worry about me." without another word he swooped down and lifted her off her feet. He looked around the part of the room they were trapped in and noticed that a door, indistinguesble from the wall had opened soundlessly behind him. He went over to the other wall and yelled through it "There seems to be a door here. look for one on your side and we'll try and meet up later." He stared at the open door warily as if it may bite, but simply said "You ready?" to Yoko before stepping through it.

Chani helped Ged through the doorway.

Story continues on Mountain of skulls


lost insanity-a road trip to hell
hell's badges

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